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Multiple Machines with 3D Layer Reference

Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 10:59
by Naggar
Hi Ventuz Team.

I have a concern about my final output with a specific configuration in Ventuz which might be more hardware related.

I have 3 seperate Machines.. each one outputs 1920x1080 resolution .. and are aligned next to each other (configuration.jpg)
On My Cluster preview (Cluster Preview.jpg) .. I can see everything perfectly fine: I have a 3D Layer reference on the 2nd Machine (which is in the center), while the layer it is referencing is on the 3rd machine (furthest right output)

the issue happens when I Select My Second (Middle) Machine preview from the stage editor, The Layer is completely blocked (Screen 2.jpg).
Currently I cannot test this with 3 actual machines until the due date of this project, but I need to know if 3D Layer reference will be visible in the final output like my Full cluster preview.

If there is something that I need to do in Designer for this to be functional please let me know..

Thanks :)

Re: Multiple Machines with 3D Layer Reference

Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 16:18
by Christian Krix Schmidt
I don't know if it works but you should definitely not go on site without having built the entire setup and testing it beforehand. Get some crappy laptop or old machine with a crappy graphics card - anything and install Ventuz with the PLE license get another test machine. Even if someone will write that it should work, you cannot be sure until you actually test it with your scene. Maybe something in your scene will prevent the 3D Reference Layer from working as intended?! Who knows? You really have to test it before the project launches.

Re: Multiple Machines with 3D Layer Reference

Posted: 29 Aug 2017, 16:45
by Götz_B

that is a side effect of a layer performance optimization.
The layer system recognizes if a layer is not in the render area of that machine at all and does not render it.

In your case, I believe your Social Wall layer matches exactly machine number 3. So it is not in the render area of machine number 2 at all and will not be rendered.
If the original layer is not rendered, you see nothing in the 3D Reference Layer - which is the standard behavior for the Reference Layer.

You can overcome this by making your original Social Wall layer overlap into machine 2. By making it bigger or move it - 1 pixel is enough.

Re: Multiple Machines with 3D Layer Reference

Posted: 30 Aug 2017, 07:14
by Naggar
Thanks Chris, Yes absolutely right, I will test it before going to site.

Götz, I dont know how 3D layer reference works exactly. I thought that It had something to do with the "Relation" settings of the layer. But you're absolutely right. I moved my main social wall layer 1 px into the middle screen and then the 3D reference layer got unblocked. looks like my problem is solved.

Still will test it on 3 separate CPUs but it looks good from here..

Thank you both :)

Re: Multiple Machines with 3D Layer Reference

Posted: 11 Sep 2017, 17:07
by Eric_RD
We came Acros the same behavior,
one Addition: if the "main" Layer covers only a part of the actual output the reference Layer only uses the amount of pixels that covers the output and streches the Picture to the actual Layer resolution.
Workaround: reposition the "main" Layer by Machine ID.
If you only want to show one reference per Machine you don't even need Reference layers.
We only use them in the Designer to get an overview of the whole Cluster.

Re: Multiple Machines with 3D Layer Reference

Posted: 14 Sep 2017, 09:52
by Naggar
Thats a big help.

Thanks Eric, Will consider this in future projects. :)