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Video lag

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Jodaine Moore
Posts: 35
Joined: 30 Oct 2015, 19:19

Video lag

Post by Jodaine Moore » 17 Aug 2017, 16:27

I Have an ".MOV" video file which is located in Ventuz project folder/ Movies. The video file is 13.04 seconds long. I use the same video every time. The video plays well even between transition within the design but when I take and play the video within the director and Cue another template the video lag until the other template has finish loading. after the template finish cueing the video plays fine if I don't Cue anything else but I need to get another template ready.
I have async turned on, on the mode node but it still lags.

I have the default config for the movie node also.

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Daniel Willer
Posts: 309
Joined: 06 Jan 2012, 18:12

Re: Video lag

Post by Daniel Willer » 18 Aug 2017, 08:10

Hi Jodaine,

Does it happen with any other Template or just specific ones?
Could it be the case that the cueing of the other template requests resources from the same HDD and there is not enough bandwidth left for the movie clip playing?
Increasing the Buffer size on the Movie Clip node could help in that case.


Jodaine Moore
Posts: 35
Joined: 30 Oct 2015, 19:19

Re: Video lag

Post by Jodaine Moore » 25 Sep 2017, 15:22

Thanks! Daniel,

It seems to be when I use Photoshop or After Effects, the Memory exceeds its limit or this is where the problem comes in(mainly caused by after effects when rendering). So what I did was increase the amount of memory After effects allow other programs to use.

Cheers J.

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