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Video playback controls

Posted: 11 Jul 2015, 13:46
by Chris

I am trying to figure out how i can set up video playback with functions like slow rewind, slow forward and fast forward.
From what I can see in the Movie Clip node there are no such controls as standard.

The only option i can think of is utilising the 'scrub' function in someway.....?
Can anyone give me some direction on achieving this?


Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 13 Jul 2015, 14:48
by pasto
I did something similar using an AnimationNode as controller of the MovieClipNode. If you set a keyframe for the Control property at 0, your clip will be shown in the timeline. At that point you can control the timeline with a TimelineControlNode and with a bit of logic I think you can reach your target.
What I noticed, TimelineControlNode works at decimals of second.
Personally I do not know a better way. But I'd like to know if there :-)

Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 13 Jul 2015, 15:16
by pasto
...but actually you could do all the same just with the scrub function. :-P
I used that technique with AudioNode where there is not scrub function.

Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 12:57
by Chris
Thanks for the reply Pasto, much appreciated ;)

I'm not sure it will work in my case though....I wanted to have these controls as buttons i can simply click on screen to change playback speed; along with standard controls like play, pause, etc.

I've attached a scene file. Jumping to different speeds is not the issue here, thats done, but when you jump to the new playback speed the play back position jumps also as im dividing by the clip duration.
I really need the speed jump to be possible while the clip is playing and so that the clip remains in the same position when the speed change happens.

I've tried a few methods, but not got it working yet....

Any help is appreciated ;)

And to the Ventuz this something you are going to implement?? would be useful for broadcast ;)


Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 12:58
by Chris
attachment :)))

Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 16 Jul 2015, 16:53
by pasto
I made some changes to your example. It lacks still some logic, but it can be a starting point.

Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 17 Jul 2015, 08:02
by chriss0212
hi chris,

here a little idear ;)

but i would like to have it implemented directly in the player....with a very important extra feature: frame blending!



Re: Video playback controls

Posted: 22 Jul 2015, 19:31
by Chris
Thankyou both for your input, exactly what i needed :)
