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realistic floor reflection

Posted: 22 May 2020, 17:08
by joysprod
Hi,I have been trying to produce a realistic floor and table top reflection using the effect mirror without success.

Is this the correct node to use? I see there is texture output from the effect mirror but cant figure out how that helps me on to textures like the floor tiles or table top. Reflectionon floor at moment doesnt look correct.

I was trying to create a news room studio type show where the screens and parts of the set are showing on parts of the table top and also the floor looks look a polished marble.

Please see the vza enclosed.


Re: realistic floor reflection

Posted: 25 May 2020, 08:39
by Jan
Hello joysprod. I took a look into your scene and found the issues. I left some annotations in there aswell. I hope it helps :)

See attachment.



Faking It!

Posted: 06 Jun 2020, 12:50
by joysprod
Thank you for looking at this. It really helped and now I understand about the way the mirror node works and have got good results.

Ok, next question. I should have posted it for the webinar mid week....

What is the best way to fake light beams? The type you would see in a night club when they put haze into the room and you see the beams strong at the point of light but fading out as they get further from the source.

I have trid using an upside down cone but just not great results. Also I wanted on some lights to have a sort of star shape to the light beam!
