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Text loading optimizing

Posted: 10 Sep 2017, 07:00
by Naggar
Hi Guys

I have a question about 2D text and how I can minimize the lagg of loading.
I have a master plan app which pops up windows according to the pin and tab you press.. The pop up windows contain info, video, and pics which are loaded from Directory node - "public documents".

- All Pics are converted to DDS format. so that is not causing the Lagg...
- Only one or two tabs have videos yet it is lagging on every switch so I dont think that video the issue. (and i have a buffer - if empty then bypass is off)
- As for the text.. I am using excel to load the info. And it seems that the more text is in the cell.. the longer the lag. (some transitions have no lag at all because text is very small)

The lag im getting is tiny but I have camera movement while this is happening so it is very obvious and I cant have it.

I have currently set ventuz config - High quality 2D text Boolean to false. - The lag is slightly less, but still there.
If there are any other suggestions to how I can remove the lag or if text is loaded save it in memory somehow so that it doesn't need to load again.. that would be great.

Thank you :)

Re: Text loading optimizing

Posted: 10 Sep 2017, 10:46
by Christian Krix Schmidt

I am working on a project right now which sometimes has long text as well. There is a performance problem with long texts. Just put a long, long text in a empty scene with only a 2D block text and see the performance rise. I even have sporadic frame drops. Seems to me that is what you are experiencing as well.

Try splitting the text into several nodes. Limit the size of the block text and use the remaining text output property to feed the remaining text into another node, and so forth. Or split the text into several pieces before displaying the pieces with several simple text nodes in containers using the layout node, Or combinations of them all. This might help with the performance.


Re: Text loading optimizing

Posted: 11 Sep 2017, 11:17
by Naggar
Hello Again Chris..

I tested what you said and you are correct, i made an empty scene - the more text the higher CPU usage. However, my problem was not in the cpu usage, it was in the loading time and I didn't use that much text in my scene so apparently that was not the major reason for the loading lag. (so this is actually not a text optimization issue.. Sorry for the misunderstanding)

But I did solve the problem after many trials, the problem was not in the text being passed by the buffer, but it was the property that was being passed.

So in practice: what I have is an excel workbook and custom range node with 3-5 outputs (rows).
My first method (see attached: incorrect.jpg) was to connect the value buffer (int) to my range index of the custom range node. and the lag obviously happens whenever buffer passes. the lag would take about 0.2 - 0.4 seconds because it was changing all 5 outputs at the same time so it was noticeable. (also im not sure about this but, Connecting the properties to scene data might also cause lag)
My second method (correct.jpg) I connected the seperate outputs of the custom range to individual buffers and added 2f delay between each pass.. this way the lag was barely noticeable.

Still not sure what is the root cause of the lag. maybe reading from excel itself. but for now I managed to solve the problem.

Thanks again