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Maximum number of light sources

Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 14:31
by Kobbi
Hi Guys,
is there a maximum number of lights you can put in one Lightning group? Eight lights is maximum that works for me in V5.1.0. 9th and 10th source are not visible. 11th shows it self and kills light number one etc.
I need much more lights in one group in one of my scenes:(


Re: Maximum number of light sources

Posted: 21 Nov 2016, 19:03
by Kobbi
Hi guys,
I'm still experiencing this bug. I've attached a simple scene where you can see it does work as I've described in original post.


Re: Maximum number of light sources

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 09:14
by lerou
The maximum is 8. I haven't seen anybody needing more than that. If you need more you should check your design and see if there's another way to achieve your goal (like textures or better grouping). You should also consider the performence.

Re: Maximum number of light sources

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 17:29
by Karol

Ventuz currently supports only 8 lights.
So the ninth light should disable the first.
This does not seem to work correctly - I created a Bug report for that.

Best Regards