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Filtering Layer effects

Posted: 10 Apr 2016, 10:34
by hummerbaendiger
I am wondering if there is an option to filter post processing effects for several objects? Especially in following example:
I have a 3D surrounding as a 3D layer that I'm applying the depth of field post effect to. When I add semi-transparent objects in the foreground they will override the blurry background and render it non-blurry - understandably because the object sets Z-Depth so the post effect will treat its pixels as foreground.
I can of course disable z-writing for the transparent object but this will render it blurry in front of a horizon line and normal in front of a foreground object.

Is there a way to reference parts of the hierarchy tree across different 3D layers? That way I could create 2 3D layers (one with depth of field, one without) that reference the same hierarchy. Now I could use the filter passes to select which objects should be included in the blurred layer and which are just drawn on top.
For now I'm separating the layer for the semi-transparent objects, but it would be a lot easier to handle to have it in one hierachy...

Thanks and bests, Flo