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Blur Texture Simple Failed

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 07:57
by opengames
Open and rendering tutorial 01, medium, 03 render targets, 04 blured render target.vzs fails on several pc (nvidia gforce 8800 gtx, nvidia geforce GT320M, amd radeon hd 6800) with message: Error (BlurTexture Simple) Failed to compile pixel shader: Der Index war außerhalb des Arraybereiches.
First time I loaded in amd radeon pc, the scene was rendered correct without errors. But after downloading and rendering several demo scenes, allways the error will be shown. Also after rebooting the pc. What I have to do to use blurtexture simple and blurtexture glow correctly?
Best regards

Re: Blur Texture Simple Failed

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 09:37
by MartinT
it would be helpful if you could post your hardware configuration and operating system.
Do you run on the latest drivers?

Best regards