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Callbacks from externalized values

Posted: 23 May 2013, 13:57
by hummerbaendiger
Hi everyone,

Is there a way to get a callback from a changed output value that has been externalized to Ventuz .Net Remoting? So if I move an axis, I could dynamically update an external running software that is connected via Remoting 2? I would get a notification whenever and which of the values has been modified and adjust my interface accordingly instead of polling the externalized values again and again.
The only way I see by now would be to attach an event to the output value that fires whenever the value itself changes. Or is there already an integrated mechanism?

Cheers, Florian

Re: Callbacks from externalized values

Posted: 24 May 2013, 09:36
by Daniel Willer
Hi Florian

Yes you can get a callback from a scene via Remoting check the Ventuz.Remoting.chm helpfile for futher informations.
You can receive all events of the RemoteScene in one package via the Ventuz.Remoting2.Helpers.SceneCallbackHandler if you want to listen to certain events you should regeister your handlers at the Callback event of the IExternalEvent interface.


Re: Callbacks from externalized values

Posted: 24 May 2013, 11:06
by hummerbaendiger
Thanks Daniel,

I already have the callback implementation for events :) . Now I was only wondering if I could get a notification whenever an externalized output value changes.
Or to put it into an example: I have an expression that processes the x and y coordinates of a touch input (in what way ever) and delivers a float value as output. This is the value I want to expose. The question now is if there is any way to get a callback in my remoting application that this exposed value changed? Except attaching another event to the value?

Re: Callbacks from externalized values

Posted: 24 May 2013, 17:21
by Daniel Willer
Ok I got it. There is no global way to get a notification if one of the external values has changes but you can just use a float value node bind the result of your expression and externalize the Changed event of the float value node. ;)
