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Loop Breaker blacks ventuz out. It's nothing but black.

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Poly Kim
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Joined: 30 Apr 2014, 07:24
Location: Seoul, South Korea

Loop Breaker blacks ventuz out. It's nothing but black.

Post by Poly Kim » 22 Oct 2014, 16:38


let me share quite strange in ventuz.

I was working with ventuz and bind loop breaker node, and at the very moment the ventuz scene what I was working with suddenly turned into black.
I restarted my machine, restarted ventuz, and export the scene so that I was able to open the very scene in another machine.
The result was all same, black one.

What is more embarrassing is previous scenes are same. For example,

The name of scene was ###_6.vzs, and previous ones were like ###_5.vzs, ###_4.vzs, ###_3.vzs.
I bind loop breaker with ###_6.vzs. When I have the "black" ###_6.vzs, I opened ###_5 and ###_4. Those two scenes are also only "black".

Is this what I did wrong? Are there anyone who had same problem with me?


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Re: Loop Breaker blacks ventuz out. It's nothing but black.

Post by Robert » 23 Oct 2014, 10:14

Hi Poly,

Difficult to help without the scene.


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