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Block Content

Posted: 12 Sep 2017, 13:51
by Eric_RD
If you block Hierachy Nodes the content is still validated, which is fine in most cases but to save performance a "Block Content Validation" option for Hierachy and Content Containers would be perfect.
This would save me the work and hassle of creating a Scene instead of a Container and blocking the Scene. The work (and Scene load times) multiplies, if you have multiple Layers of nested Scenes.

Re: Block Content

Posted: 14 Sep 2017, 13:10
by Götz_B
Sounds like an interesting feature for advanced users. I will put it on the "features to consider" list.

Re: Block Content

Posted: 15 Sep 2017, 11:07
by u-double-u
I was going to ask for something similar, but didn't dare to, because I thought it might be just me...
I noticed that audio in blocked parts of a scene is still playing - you can hear it unless one activly pauses or stops the clip.
But maybe it is just me...

Re: Block Content

Posted: 20 Sep 2017, 09:11
by chriss0212
No, its not just you ;)

A feature like in ScenePort would be great! Block is disabling the validation and an event to trigger the validation! Maybe in the ContentContainer node, in the HierarchyContainer node and in the Layer's

