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UI Layour bug

Please report bugs in this group. We will maybe populate a list of known bugs with a possibly modified description at a later time.

Moderator: Support

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UI Layour bug

Post by Hāmish » 20 Jan 2016, 17:28

I cannot make my Ventuz Designer show me the Stage Editor or the Project Data Editor panels. I can toggle them on and off using the menu or keyboard shortcuts and see the check mark visibility changing in the View menu, but it has no effect on the UI. I've tried the following without success:
  • Resetting the layout.
  • Simplifying my Windows scaling settings (after seeing other, more minor bugs such as misplaced tooltips and divider highlights).
  • Starting the designer with Windows compatibility setting do disable display scaling.
  • Disconnecting secondary display.
  • Restarting Windows.
  • Reinstalling Ventuz several times.
  • Downgrading from 4.07.01 to
  • Deleting %ProgramData%\Ventuz4 between installations.

Posts: 2
Joined: 30 Apr 2012, 17:12
Location: Bellevue,WA,USA

Re: UI Layour bug

Post by hamish » 22 Jan 2016, 09:05

It turns out this bug was triggered by switching for a PLE to a designer license. Even though it survived all the steps I mentioned before, I finally solved it by running up with another PLE license (no dongle), shutting down, then going back to the designer license. Strange but true.

Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Jul 2017, 11:25

Re: UI Layour bug

Post by kevin » 14 Jul 2018, 13:35


I got the same UI bug. Ventuz won't show the Project Data Editor anymore on this machine..regardless which project i try. I am currently working with license-dongles.
Its working on another computer with the same dongles though, but i need to work on this machine as the other one doesn't have the necessary hardware components.
I don't actually know what
switching for a PLE to a designer license
actually means..
I hope, you guys can help me!

Best regards!

Posts: 6
Joined: 25 Jul 2017, 11:25

Re: UI Layour bug

Post by kevin » 18 Jul 2018, 10:38


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