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Remoting 4

Posted: 03 Oct 2013, 09:09
by florian
Hi guys,

I'm making some test about Remoting4
I discover a lot of things but i still have some issues

The start() function on a cluster seems to not be managable by Async Tasks
I would like to reinit my scenes on connexion but i don't have a "ok i'm reday to listen" from my cluster
clu.ClusterState would give me informations about that but i need to refresh it
and i would like a trigger for it. Any solutions ?

If i investigate correctly, the scene can not trigger back an event (ie say that a stuff is presented)
Any solutions on this ?

Thanks for your answer,

Have a nice day

Re: Remoting 4

Posted: 07 Oct 2013, 12:01
by Ralf Stanke
Ho Florian.
There's no need to have the start() method as an async action since it only enables the cluster. As soon a cluster is started it tries to establish the connections to all machines within this cluster.
You have to listen to the ClusterStateChanged event to recognize that a the cluster is up and ready to be controlled by your application. The ClusterState don't need to be refreshed - it updates automatically and fires proper notification events.

And yes, a scene can fire back triggers - this is crucial for many applications. You will receive DataItemChanged events if an event has been triggered within Ventuz. Just make sure that your scene events are not part of the scene-template (not checked in the Scene Data Editor) in order to receive general scene events. Scene Templates as well normal Animiation Template also fire trigger event to the remote application - but here it is a bit harder to resolve the name of the event since the received event may be part of multiple different templates - so you'll receive the Data Model Name as part of the DataItem name. See user manual for this...

Hope this helped so far ...


Re: Remoting 4

Posted: 09 Oct 2013, 15:44
by florian
Great ! it helps me a lot
Thank you,