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SetPropertiesInvokeMethods() won't change value in scene

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SetPropertiesInvokeMethods() won't change value in scene

Post by bastidererste » 10 Apr 2013, 15:57

Im doing my first steps in remoting2
My scene contains a MeshText node and the Text Value is externalized as "Text". I can get the value in my code. So the connection is working... If I try to change the Value with SetPropertiesInvokeMethods() a strange behavior occurs: SetPropertiesInvokeMethods() changes the value only on the scene object in my code but it doesn't take effect in the actual scene. So if i get the value again, it is the new text, but the scene still shows the old value... what am i missing? See code below...


Code: Select all

using System;
using Ventuz.Remoting2;
using Ventuz.Remoting2.Helpers;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

        RemoteScene ventuz = RemoteScene.Connect("localhost");
        RemoteScene scene = ventuz.LoadScene("/scene1");
        object Text_ = scene.GetProperties(new string[] { "/Text" })[0];
        //prints the value 'ABCDEFG" from the node "/Text" correctly
        scene.SetPropertiesInvokeMethods(new string[] { "/Text" }, new object[] { "Hello World" }, null, null, RemoteScene.IMMEDIATE, null);
        Text_ = scene.GetProperties(new string[] { "/Text" })[0];
        //prints the new text in the MeshText node, so changes have been applied..
        //but unfornatly the scene still shows the old value!!??
        //what do I miss


Re: SetPropertiesInvokeMethods() won't change value in scene

Post by bastidererste » 11 Apr 2013, 12:58

solved it!!

i forgott to set and activate the scene on the default port...

Code: Select all

class Program
      static void Main(string[] args)

      RemoteScene ventuz = RemoteScene.Connect("localhost");
      RemoteScene scene = ventuz.LoadScene("/scene1");

      ventuz.Ports[0].SetScene(scene, RemoteScene.IMMEDIATE, null);  //<<<----------
      ventuz.Ports[0].SetActive(true, RemoteScene.IMMEDIATE, null);  //<<<----------

      object Text_ =scene.GetProperties(new string[] {"/Text"})[0];

      scene.SetPropertiesInvokeMethods(new string[] { "/Text" }, new object[] { "UZ fI faz fiUAZ f" }, null, null, RemoteScene.IMMEDIATE,       null);
      Text_ = scene.GetProperties(new string[] { "/Text" })[0];


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